Vatican Group Association (VGA)

Donations for agriculture

$0 of $10,000 raised

The Humanitarian, charitable, and non-profit organization Vatican Group Association (VGA) aims to support agriculture through the purchase and distribution of essential equipment, seeds, fertilizers, and more. By making generous donations, individuals can contribute to sustainable and prosperous agricultural practices worldwide. Supporting agriculture not only addresses food security but also promotes economic growth, environmental sustainability, and rural development. Donations to VGA are used transparently and effectively, benefiting agriculture in several key areas. These include the purchase and distribution of equipment, such as tractors and irrigation systems, as well as providing high-quality seeds and fertilizers. VGA also organizes training programs and workshops to educate farmers on the latest techniques and sustainable practices, while funding research projects and infrastructure development to advance agricultural innovation. Donations can be made through online transactions, bank transfers, checks or money orders, and in-kind contributions of agricultural equipment. VGA maintains transparency and accountability by publishing detailed reports on its website, demonstrating the impact achieved through donations. By donating to VGA, individuals can play a vital role in creating a future of thriving agriculture and alleviating hunger.


– Office furniture
– Medical equipment
– Agricultural equipment
– Real estate (house, land)
– Medication
– Clothes
– A vehicle
– A terrain
– Life insurance
– School supplies


Join Us We Need Your Help

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

To complete the process, send payment to one of the information below:


  1. MTN MOMO:  678 323 731   (NESTOR NKENFACK)
  2. ORANGE MOMO:  693 025 942   (NESTOR NKENFACK)


  1. BTC WALLET ADDRESS:  16h1V4WBmT633vCfSJpqxdwUjmi5CCo2fs
  2. ETH WALLET ADDRESS:  0x531368c7781Fa776Fed1F9936796852fA88CCB8F


  1. Write a check payable to "Vatican Group Association"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Vatican Group Association"
  3. Mail your check to:

Vatican Group Association
Place des fetes, Dschang
Ouest, 00237, Cameroon


  1. If you wish to: organize fundraisers events to support us, donate in kind,
  2. Or for other payment methods, please CONTACT US , or VISIT US

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!


Donation Total: $100

SPONSOR A CHILD: For the next school year, change a child's life by becoming his godfather or godmother.