ECHIOCK Stadium Santchou

  When the worlds of art and philanthropy unite, incredible things can happen. The partnership between ECHIFOOT FESTIVAL (sponsored by FRANKLIN EWOUKAP and IDRISS KAMBE), and Vatican Group Association (VGA) is a shining example of how collaboration between these two fields can create positive change and make a lasting impact. Uniting Arts and Philanthropy Art […]

General assembly of the SITEU village

SITEU village chiefdom SITEU Village, FONDONERA, Santchou

General assembly of the SITEU village In an extraordinary display of unity and shared objectives, SITEU Village, in FONDONERA, Santchou District, Menoua Department, Western Region, Cameroon, Central Africa; has joined hands with the Vatican Group Association (VGA) to organize a highly productive General Assembly. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both organizations, as they […]

Water tap offered to the MELIA Community

MELIA, West, Cameroon West

  Drinking water supply   Water tap offered to the MELIA Community by the Non-Profit Vatican Group Association (VGA). We are excited to share with you our latest initiative in Cameroon, Central Africa. As a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact in communities around the world, we strive to address pressing issues and […]

LEFOCK Festive period

LEFOCK, Fondonera, West, Cameroon West

  Football matches, health consultation, foot hill climb, funeral of MBI ASSANDEU The LEFOCK Festive period from 02/27/2024 to 03/03/2024 is not just about football matches, but they are definitely a highlight of the event. The Vatican Group Association is proud to be one of the sponsors for these exciting matches. With our support, the […]

SPONSOR A CHILD: For the next school year, change a child's life by becoming his godfather or godmother.


We have agents/representatives/volunteers/partners available and ready to receive you and/or your donations under our legal responsibility in all cities of Cameroon, some countries in Africa and some countries in the world. You just need to contact us wherever you are.